Influence of Facebook and Political Content on its Millennial Users

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Mass Communication

Faculty Mentor

Padmini Patwardhan, Ph.D.


Facebook is a form of social media that shapes public opinion. Millennials are a very impressionable group who are the most influenced by social media content. This study examines attitudes of Facebook users and how political content can affect their Facebook experience. Secondary sources have shown that Facebook use can negatively influence academic performance, well-being, and potentially lead to lack of knowledge of current events. In the coming weeks we will be conducting our own survey research to collect data on the direct influence Facebook and its content has on the second wave of millennials. By exploring the effect of Facebook political content on the well-being, academic performance, and overall Facebook experience of its users, we hope to uncover new insights on millennials, social media and political content.

Start Date

21-4-2017 2:15 PM

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Apr 21st, 2:15 PM

Influence of Facebook and Political Content on its Millennial Users

Richardson Ballroom

Facebook is a form of social media that shapes public opinion. Millennials are a very impressionable group who are the most influenced by social media content. This study examines attitudes of Facebook users and how political content can affect their Facebook experience. Secondary sources have shown that Facebook use can negatively influence academic performance, well-being, and potentially lead to lack of knowledge of current events. In the coming weeks we will be conducting our own survey research to collect data on the direct influence Facebook and its content has on the second wave of millennials. By exploring the effect of Facebook political content on the well-being, academic performance, and overall Facebook experience of its users, we hope to uncover new insights on millennials, social media and political content.