Weight Loss through a Ketogenic Diet versus a Low-Fat Diet

Poster Number



College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

David Schary, Ph.D.


This project explores which diet causes more rapid weight loss in the healthiest and most beneficial way for the body, the ketogenic diet or a low-fat diet. The ketogenic diet is a diet consisting of low carbohydrates, and consuming a lot of foods containing high amounts of good fats, such as different kinds of beef. In order for the diet to be the most efficient, it is recommended that one stay away from sugar, in general. If one is to go on a high-fat or ketogenic diet, consuming carbs and sugars while taking in a high amount of fats will cause the diet to have the opposite reaction to weight loss, because then one is consuming all three – fats, carbs, and sugars – which we know causes weight gain. Research studies have shown that a low-fat diet can actually cause one to gain weight instead of losing weight and that it is not good for the body. The good fats that we eat control our appetite and provide the feeling we acquire when we are full. Also, the brain requires fat to have proper neurological function, so essentially it is unhealthy to cut out fats from food consumption. So far, the research evidence is pointing toward the ketogenic diet being more beneficial for rapid and healthy weight loss than the low-fat diet.

Start Date

21-4-2017 12:00 PM

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Apr 21st, 12:00 PM

Weight Loss through a Ketogenic Diet versus a Low-Fat Diet


This project explores which diet causes more rapid weight loss in the healthiest and most beneficial way for the body, the ketogenic diet or a low-fat diet. The ketogenic diet is a diet consisting of low carbohydrates, and consuming a lot of foods containing high amounts of good fats, such as different kinds of beef. In order for the diet to be the most efficient, it is recommended that one stay away from sugar, in general. If one is to go on a high-fat or ketogenic diet, consuming carbs and sugars while taking in a high amount of fats will cause the diet to have the opposite reaction to weight loss, because then one is consuming all three – fats, carbs, and sugars – which we know causes weight gain. Research studies have shown that a low-fat diet can actually cause one to gain weight instead of losing weight and that it is not good for the body. The good fats that we eat control our appetite and provide the feeling we acquire when we are full. Also, the brain requires fat to have proper neurological function, so essentially it is unhealthy to cut out fats from food consumption. So far, the research evidence is pointing toward the ketogenic diet being more beneficial for rapid and healthy weight loss than the low-fat diet.