Winthrop’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory: A Catalyst for Future Carbon Management

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Interdisciplinary Studies

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Marsha Bollinger & Christopher Johnson, B.F.A., M.Arch.


An inventory of greenhouse gases generated campus-wide has been compiled based on data on consumption of natural gas, fuel oil, and gasoline; generation of solid waste and recyclables; and more. Data from FY 2015 were converted to metric tons of carbon, by use of a carbon calculator and inventory system hosted by the University of New Hampshire, for ease of comparison to other institutions. By analyzing these numbers, Winthrop’s Sustainability Committee will be able to identify which areas of the inventory need primary focus to reduce carbon production, and ultimately mitigate Winthrop University’s contribution to climate change.

Course Assignment

Independent Research in the Environment II, ENVS 496, Christopher Johnson

Start Date

22-4-2016 2:15 PM

End Date

22-4-2016 4:15 PM

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Apr 22nd, 2:15 PM Apr 22nd, 4:15 PM

Winthrop’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory: A Catalyst for Future Carbon Management

Richardson Ballroom

An inventory of greenhouse gases generated campus-wide has been compiled based on data on consumption of natural gas, fuel oil, and gasoline; generation of solid waste and recyclables; and more. Data from FY 2015 were converted to metric tons of carbon, by use of a carbon calculator and inventory system hosted by the University of New Hampshire, for ease of comparison to other institutions. By analyzing these numbers, Winthrop’s Sustainability Committee will be able to identify which areas of the inventory need primary focus to reduce carbon production, and ultimately mitigate Winthrop University’s contribution to climate change.