Student Caucus Panel: Multiracial Feminisms: A Transnational View
Taylor Hendricks, Winthrop University
Evans Room, Third Floor, DiGiorgio Campus Center (DiGs)
Start Date
31-3-2016 2:00 PM
End Date
31-3-2016 3:15 PM
Click the links below to be taken to more information about each presentation.
“La Revolución Interseccional: Cuban feminism, Collaboration, & Intersectionality”
Marie Eszenyi, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Andrew McIver, Winthrop University
"Queer Nation-Building: LGBT and Queer Discourses in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Dylan J. Goodman
#BlackLivesMatter to #SayHerName"
Aitza B. Burgess
Student Caucus Panel: Multiracial Feminisms: A Transnational View
Evans Room, Third Floor, DiGiorgio Campus Center (DiGs)
Click the links below to be taken to more information about each presentation.
“La Revolución Interseccional: Cuban feminism, Collaboration, & Intersectionality”
Marie Eszenyi, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Andrew McIver, Winthrop University
"Queer Nation-Building: LGBT and Queer Discourses in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
Dylan J. Goodman
#BlackLivesMatter to #SayHerName"
Aitza B. Burgess