Colors For Wool Yarn

Colors For Wool Yarn

Call Number

TP 899 .D78

Date of Publication


Collection Size

58 pages; 465 mounted color samples


Open under the rules and regulations of the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections



Historical Note

E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is an American corporation engaged primarily in biotechnology and the manufacture of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The company was founded by Éleuthère Irénée du Pont [1771-1834] in Delaware in 1802 to produce black powder and later other explosives. These remained the company's main products until the 20th century, when it began to make other chemicals. DuPont now makes a broad array of industrial chemicals, synthetic fibers, petroleum-based fuels and lubricants, pharmaceuticals, building materials, and other chemicals. It has plants, subsidiaries, and affiliates worldwide with their headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware--Ency. Brittanica


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Colors for Wool Yarn is a manual used by the Du Pont Company to mix dyes for wool yarn. "This book contains comprehensive information regarding the range of du Pont dyes suitable for application on wool in all stages of manufacture. Dyeings of both acid and chrome colors are shown on wool yarn. In addition, general dyeing instructions have been incorporated as well as a tabulation embracing most of the working and fastness properties. The following pages also contain specific information on the dyeing properties of the individual colors"--Introduction, page 3.

Additional Notes

  • Some samples incomplete.
  • Unattached bookplate: DuPont Dyestuffs. For the library of Calloway Research Division. With the compliments of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Organic Chemicals Department. Dyestuffs Division. Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.
  • Name of previous owner on rear end sheet: Research Division Library, Callaway Mills Company, LaGrange, Georgia. Stamped on title page verso: Received Nov 1946 Technical Library Callaway Institute, Inc.
  • Barcode affixed to inside back cover: Roger Milliken Textile Library. [Institute of Textile Technology, Charlottesville, Virgina.]


The Pettus Archives obtained the volume from the Bookworm and Silverfish Bookstore in Virginia due to a credit with the store in April 2018


E. I Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.; Organic Chemicals Department; Dyestuffs Division


Wilmington, Delaware


Dyes, Dyeing Wool, Textiles, Wool Yarn, Handbooks, Manuals


Agribusiness | Fashion Business | Fiber, Textile, and Weaving Arts | Organic Chemistry

Colors For Wool Yarn
