Interview with Cheryl Fortner - OH 598


Cheryl Ann Fortner


Rebecca Masters



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This interview was conducted for the as part of the Winthrop History Project spearheaded by Winthrop President Emeritus Dr. Anthony DiGiorgio and Rebecca Masters to “document the 24-year path of the original Winthrop College to becoming Winthrop University.” This effort was to produce a history of the institution and Dr. DiGiorgio’s tenure as president as a supplement to Dr. Ross Webb’s history of Winthrop (The Torch is Passed) that covered Winthrop history up to Dr. DiGiorgio becoming president. A key aspect of the project was a series of audio-taped interviews conducted with various members of the extended Winthrop community who participated in or helped guide the advancement of Winthrop over these years. That way, the Winthrop story will be told in an array of participants’ own words, own voices and from their own perspectives.

This interview is with Dr. Cheryl Ann Fortner. Dr. Fortner came to Winthrop in 1998 and is a Professor of Psychology. Fortner received Winthrop's Kinard Award for Excellence in Teaching (2017). College of Arts and Sciences' Outstanding Advising Award (2005), and multiple awards for service. Her campus service includes serving as the Chair of Faculty Conference (2007-09), Chair of the College Faculty Assembly (2003-04), and Chair of the Psychology Department's Curriculum and Assessment Committee. However, she is most proud of her involvement in Winthrop's numerous successful bids for U.S. Department of Education TRiO Achievers Program and Ronald E. McNair Post baccalaureate grants which provide life-changing opportunities for disadvantaged students. In addition to her role in Psychology, Dr. Fortner is the Director of the Winthrop McNair Scholars Program which is housed in University College. In this interview she discusses her involvement with Winthrop with an emphasis on her working relationship with Winthrop President, Dr. Anthony DiGiorgio.

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OH 598






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Anthony DiGiorgio

Interview with Cheryl Fortner - OH 598
