Virginia Emily Cranwell
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In the interview, Veteran Dr. James Luchs (b. July 11, 1933) talks about the experiences of his wife’s uncle and World War II Veteran, Sgt. Stephen Martin Matis (1915-2005). Steven’s family was from Hungary and spoke German, but he was born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. He worked as a machinist at General Cable Corp in Perth Amboy before enlisting in the Army Air Force during World War II. Mr. Luchs tells several stories that were told to him by Sgt. Matis during his time in the Air Force. In the interview, Dr. Luchs discusses several of the stories including one about shooting down balloons sent from Japan with incendiaries attached. He also, relates a story about Sgt. Matis’ plane being shot down over German occupied territory and being captured by German soldiers. Matis received medical attention from the German doctors which included the use of synthetic plasma and was subject to interrogations. Sgt. Matis survived the war and eventually made it back home to New Jersey. For his service he earned the Air Medal and the Purple Heart. Dr. Luchs also talks a bit about his work as a debriefing Officer during the Vietnam War (see VHP 110 for more about Dr. Luchs experiences during the his military career.)
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VHP 110
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Recommended Citation
Luchs, James; Matis, Steven Martin; and World War II, "Interview with James Luchs - VHP 114" (2017). Winthrop University Oral History Program. VHP 110.