Andrew S. Russell
This interview was conducted for the as part of the 20th Anniversary of the September 11th Terrorist Attacks on the United States. This effort was to produce a history of the university’s, as well as the community’s, response in the days and weeks following the attacks. A key aspect of the project was a series of audio-taped interviews conducted with various members of the Rock Hill and Winthrop communities who felt their stories needed to be shared.
This interview is of Ms. ZaDonna Slay, Admissions Coordinator and Instructor for the Master of Social Work at Winthrop University. In her interview with Andrew Russell, ZaDonna Slay discusses her thoughts and memories during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Mrs. Slay describes her experiences as well as the response of her local community to the events.
Publication Date
Unique Identifier
OH 659
MP4; MP3; M4A;
Recommended Citation
Slay, ZaDonna, "Interview with ZaDonna Slay" (2021). Winthrop University Oral History Program. OH 659.