Mike Godfrey
In this interview conducted by Mike Godfrey for a Winthrop College project, employees of the Caroleen Textile Mill are interviewed about their experiences working in the mill located in Caroleen, Rutherford County, North Carolina. The plant has roots back to the opening of the Henrietta Mills Number 2 which opened in Caroleen in 1895 and closed in 1976. The interviewees discuss various topics related to working in the mill and living in the mill village. These discussions include changes in the plant, working conditions, safety precautions like earplugs, accidents in the mill, how they came to work in a textile mill, living in the mill village and the school house in the mill village, unions and strikes in the mill, and holiday dinners in the mills.
*See attached article titled "Textile Families 1887-1978" written by the interviewer Mike Godfrey in 1978 about the Textile Mills in Rutherford County, specifically Henrietta Mill 1 in Henrietta, NC and Henrietta Mill 2 in Caroleen, NC.
Publication Date
Unique Identifier
OH 054
1 Cassette; MP3; WAV;
This interview is open for use.
Oral History
Recommended Citation
Caroleen Plant Textile Workers, "Interview with Caroleen Plant Textile Workers - OH 054" (1978). Winthrop University Oral History Program. OH 054.