Manuscript Collection

The Clan Macneil - Accession 715 no. 46
Accession 715 no. 46
Inclusive Dates
Open under the rules and regulations of the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections
Collection Size
1 bound volume; 245 pages
Historical Note
R. L. (Robert Lister) Macneil of Barra, the 45th Chief of The Clan wrote The Clan Macneil in 1922. It was reprinted in 1985 with a foreword by the 46th Chief of the Clan, Ian Roderick Macneil.
Scope and Content Note
The Clan Macneil by R. L. Macneil relates the history of the Clann Niall of Scotland from ancient times to the early 20th century. Included is information on the ancient Irish traditional descent, the Macneils of various locales in Scotland, emigration of Macneils to America, religion of the family, family customs, information about the land holdings of the clan, legends and genealogical information among other material. Please see the attached Table of Contents, Clan Tartan, and Index.
Gift of the Clan Macneil Association of America
Genealogy, Clan Macneil, Scottish Clans, Scottish History
For information concerning copyright please contact the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections at Winthrop University.
Finding Aid Citation
Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections, Winthrop University, "The Clan Macneil - Accession 715 no. 46". Finding Aid 861.

LC Subject Headings
McNeil family; Scotland--Genealogy