Manuscript Collection
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Accession 407
Inclusive Dates
Open under the rules and regulations of the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections
Collection Size
7,000 pieces, 3.50 linear feet
Scope and Content Note
This collection consists of the professional papers of Dr. Ruby Mae Craven (1913-2006), S.C. educator and home economist at Clemson University. Dr. Craven was a 1934 graduate of Winthrop College. “The driving force for Extension home economics in its formative years, Ruby Craven began her career in the classroom, teaching home economics in high school. But it wouldn’t be long before she took her teaching beyond the schoolhouse and into the home. She made the move to Extension work in 1947 as a home demonstration agent in Spartanburg and Lancaster counties before becoming a poultry specialist at Winthrop College. She held the title of Extension home management specialist at Winthrop for 13 years until the Extension Home Demonstration Department was transferred to Clemson, where she became a district agent, state agent and, in 1967, state leader of home economics programs.” worked in the Extension service for The papers include professional correspondence, Dr. Craven’s thesis for her Ph. D. (1963), samples of special programs carried out by the Clemson Extension Service, typescripts of speeches, papers relating to home economics as a profession and materials concerning various seminars and workshops.
The papers of Dr. Ruby M. Craven were deposited with the Archives by Dr. Craven on June 15, 1981.
For information concerning copyright please contact the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections at Winthrop University.
Finding Aid Citation
Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections, Winthrop University, "Ruby M. Craven Papers - Accession 407". Finding Aid 1316.

LC Subject Headings
Craven, Ruby Mae--Archives; Winthrop College, the South Carolina College for Women--Alumni and alumnae; Clemson University. Cooperative Extension Service--Officials and employees; Home economists--South Carolina; Home economics extension work--South Carolina; Home economics extension work--United States; Home demonstration work--South Carolina; Home demonstration work--United States