The Classification of False Tendons of the Left Ventricle of Domestic Canine (Canis familiaris) Hearts

Date of Award


Document Type



College of Arts and Sciences

Honors Thesis Director

Lee Anne Cope

Honors Thesis Reader 1

Laura Glasscock

Honors Thesis Reader 2

Evelyne Weeks


false tendons, cardiac conditions, canine heart, classification scheme, left ventricle


The hearts of humans have been extensively studied and the presence of false tendons within the right and left ventricles has been noted in some of this previous research, but their clinical significance has only been recently studied. It is likely that false tendons play a role in many cardiac conditions such as; thrombosis, premature ventricular contractions, murmurs, left ventricular outflow obstruction, and ventricular arrhythmias. With this likelihood came the need to develop a classification scheme of these false tendons for later anatomical research and their involvement in the aforementioned conditions. The current classification scheme has been developed by several researchers primarily using human hearts and a few select animal hearts. There are, however, limitations with this scheme due to the fact that there are some types of tendons present in the hearts of animals, but not present in humans. Also, the classification scheme used thus far is not consistent among all of the published literature. Thus, the intention of this project is to develop a classification scheme specific for the false tendons in the left ventricle of the canine heart. The classification scheme used to classify the tendons in the left ventricle of human hearts will be used as a template, but modified based on tendon, anatomical, and species differences. Due to recent veterinary technology advancements, it is now possible to identify these false tendons, and with this identification comes the need to classify the tendons and examine a possible connection with the tendons and certain heart related disorders of the canine.

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