Date of Award


Document Type



Richard W.Riley College of Education

Degree Program

Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science

Thesis Advisor

Dr. David Schary

Committee Member

Dr. Joni Boyd

Committee Member

Dr. Alice MacLaine


Dance, Resistance training, Perception, Contemporary, Ballet


Dancers are artistic athletes that use their bodies as their instrument. Dance is a sport that requires significant skill and higher levels of fitness. Unfortunately, dancers are not as physically fit as sport athletes. This may not only increase their risk of injury, but also limit their maximum dance performance. Resistance training offers significant physical and psychological health benefits. But, there is very limited research regarding dancers’ resistance training habits. The results of the few studies that exist unanimously suggest that there is no detriment to the aesthetics of dance, rather improvements in dance elements as a result of improved fitness. The purpose of this study was to uncover collegiate dancers’ perceived importance of resistance training. Sixty- two collegiate dancers participated in the survey. Demographics were collected and they completed a modified Strength Training and Conditioning Questionnaire. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to determine if the predictor variables gender, dance genre, and year in college influenced their overall perception score. Results indicated gender and year were not statistically significant predictors, and although dance genre was not quite statistically significant it was the closest to significance of the three (p=.178). Jazz in particular was the closest dance genre to reaching significance (p=.089). Results of this study are important because they are the first of their kind. Insight into the dance communities perceived importance of resistance training could be useful for the development of a resistance training program designed specifically for dance.
