Date of Award


Document Type



Richard W.Riley College of Education

Degree Program

Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science

Thesis Advisor

Janet Wojcik

Committee Member

Charles Bowers

Committee Member

Joni Marr


Aerobic Walking, Type 2 Diabetes, Blood Glucose, Timing vs. Duration, Post-Prandial


Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a potentially life threatening metabolic disease characterized by insulin resistance and inability to metabolize glucose (Meneilly & Elliott 1999). According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA, 2013), diabetes played a contributing role in 231,404 deaths in 2007 alone. Because of this, researchers strive to develop the best methods of managing diabetes. Physical activity has been shown to improve glucose control by reducing insulin resistance and reducing body fat (Bacchi et al., 2012). Recent data from DiPietro et al. (2013) indicated that multiple bouts of exercise may be favorable over one continuous bout in managing blood glucose. In this pilot study three adults recently diagnosed with T2D, were asked to perform three testing conditions in random order. The control condition consisted of the subjects remaining sedentary over the testing days. The 15-minute testing condition consisted of the subjects aerobically walking for a period of three 15-minute bouts 30 minutes after each meal. Finally, subjects also walked in one 45-minute continuous bout at least 2 hours after their most recent meal. The results of this pilot study indicated that three 15-minute bouts may be more favorable for blood glucose control and be a more acceptable walking protocol for all subjects. Benefits from increased physical activity were seen immediately and were shown to be cumulative in 66% of tests. Aerobic exercise was shown to reduce postprandial (post-meal) insulin levels in 100% of subjects; the effect was shown to be 66% more effective if done in three 15-minute bouts 30 minutes after each meal when compared to a single 45-minute bout of exercise.


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