Date of Award


Document Type



Richard W.Riley College of Education

Degree Name

Master of Science

Thesis Advisor

Janet Wojcik

Committee Member

Charles Bowers

Committee Member

Joni Boyd


Music, television viewing, enjoyment during aerobic exercise


A majority of individuals exercise with an entertainment device that promotes a positive distraction during aerobic exercise. It is however unclear if certain entertainment promotes a greater enjoyment and feeling state than others. The purpose of this study was to examine if television viewing and music would increase enjoyment and feeling state during aerobic exercise. Fourteen males and sixteen females (n=30) between the ages of 18-30 participated in the study. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: music, television viewing (TV), and control. Participants could choose between the elliptical and treadmill, and exercise was self-paced for 30 minutes. METS, WATTS, Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE), heart rate (HR), speed/cross ramp, resistance/incline, and total distance were recorded during the 30-minute exercise bout. Additionally, participants completed the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES) and Exercise-Induced Feeling State Scale (EFI). A repeated measures ANOVA compared enjoyment and feeling state between the three conditions. There were no significant differences in the physiological variables. However, there were significant differences in the PACES enjoyment scale (p = .014) and in the EFI feeling state subscales between positive affect (p <.01 = .000), negative affect (p = <.001), and fatigue (p = .026), but no significance in tranquility (p = .098). The results of this study show positive mood effects of listening to music and/or TV viewing during aerobic exercise but no differences in the physiological variables associated with the workout. If a person should forget an entertainment device, there is no different in the physiological benefit to the workout, but he/she should feel higher enjoyment and feeling states with using the devices

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