Date of Award

Spring 5-1-2023

Document Type



College of Arts and Sciences

Degree Program


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Thesis Advisor

Dave Pretty, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Allan Charles

Committee Member

Donald Rakestraw, Ph.D.


Jacobite, Tory, Whig, Culloden, Bonny Prince Charles, James Francis Edward Stuart, Stuarts, 1745, 1715, 1688, Bolingbroke, Williams-Wynn, John Erskine, Louis XIV, Louis XV


During the Glorious Revolution, King James II of England and VII of Scotland was deposed, and the main line of the House of Stuart, along with the concept of divine right monarchy and the acceptance of Catholicism, were swept aside in Great Britain. In exile, the remaining heads of the House of Stuart relied on sympathetic Catholic powers or domestic loyalists known as Jacobites. These Jacobites developed distinct versions of their Jacobitism in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Real or perceived Jacobite interference was a constant variable in the rivalry of the Tories and Whigs. The Catholic powers of France, Spain, and the Papacy and domestic Jacobites, would be instrumental in shaping the foreign and domestic political landscape of London during the period of 1688-1745.

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