Date of Award


Document Type



College of Visual and Performing Arts

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts

Thesis Advisor

Shaun Cassidy

Committee Member

M. Clara Paulino

Committee Member

Stacey Davidson


Grief, Duality, Annunciation, Paper Mache, Fra Angelico, Sacred


This thesis statement investigates the coexistence of joy with grief, light alongside darkness, and the intersection of the divine with the ordinary, as they express themselves in my thesis “Unmonumental Moment.” In it, painting merges with sculptural forms to create a three-dimensional work that addresses the idea of duality. The exhibit is marked by the on going common elements in my work, namely the use of a saturated color palette, the incorporation of papier-maché with everyday detritus, dream imagery, and portals alluding to a parallel spiritual world. This statement analyzes the thesis components and examines them in light of art historical movements and debates. It further explores the underlying inspiration (The Annunciation by Fra Angelico), and comments on the influence of artists such as Charlotte Salomon, Ai Wei Wei, Vincent Fecteau, and Ming Fay.


Signatures have been redacted from document.
