Immigrant Vulnerability and Resilience Comparative Perspectives on Latin American Immigrants During the Great Recession
Maria Aysa-Lastra and Lorenzo Cachón
This book explores how the current sustained economic slow-down in North America and Europe has increased immigrant vulnerability in the labor market and in their daily lives. It details the ways this global recession has affected the immigrants themselves, their identities, as well as their countries of origin. The book presents an interdisciplinary dialogue as well as offer a transatlantic comparative perspective. It first focuses on the immediate effects of the Great Recession on immigrants’ employment. Next, it connects the experience of immigrants in the labor market with their experiences in the social arena in receiving societies. Coverage also explores the effects of the economic downturn on transnational practices, remittances and return of Latin American migrants to their countries of origin.
This volume will be of great interest to faculty and graduate students who are interested in international migration studies from the fields of sociology, economics, anthropology, geography, political sciences, and other social sciences. It will also be of interest to professionals and policy makers working on international migration policy and the general public interested on the topic.
Social Media and the Good Life: Do They Connect?
Mark Y. Herring
About the Book Social media have accelerated communication, expanded business horizons and connected millions of individuals who otherwise would never have met. But not everything social media touch turns to gold—much of it is brass. Social networking sites are used by scammers, criminals and sexual predators, and many people now self-diagnose illness based on misinformation shared online. Businesses make great claims about social media as a marketing tool but few show any real returns. We communicate through social media but are we really saying anything? Is social media doomed to be a conduit of narcissism or can it become a channel for responsible communication? Can social networking overcome its manifold violations of privacy? Must we sacrifice our identities in order to tweet or “friend” our associates? This book examines some of the legal and ethical issues surrounding social media, their impact on civil discourse and their role in suicides, murders and criminal enterprise.
Marathon's Walk in the Woods: An Appalachian Trail Thru-hike
Seth E. Jenny
Ever wonder what it would be like to hike 2,174 miles from Georgia to Maine along the world’s longest continuously marked footpath? Join “Marathon” as he provides a humorous autobiographical account of a “real” walk in the woods. Anyone who enjoys travel or adventure will love Marathon’s story. This eBook is required reading for any outdoor enthusiast and will certainly assist anyone wanting to plan an Appalachian Trail (AT) section or thru-hike. Live vicariously through this entertaining account, which includes over 350 accompanying pictures.
This eBook is the culmination of 34 articles that were written for the author’s hometown newspaper as he thru-hiked the entire AT. All articles were written while still on the trail. Appendices also include the author’s daily mileage and location log, his thru-hike equipment list, a suggested AT readings list, and a comprehensive collection of reflective thoughts and suggestions by another AT thru-hiker, “Bonespur.” -
The Great Awakening and Southern Backcountry Revolutionaries
Richard J. Chacon and Michael C. Scoggins
This work documents the impact that the Great Awakening had on the inhabitants of colonial America’s Southern Backcountry. Special emphasis is placed on how this religious revival furrowed the ground on which the seeds of the American Revolution would sprout. The investigation shows how the Great Awakening can be traced to the Europe’s Age of Enlightenment. This effort also demonstrates how and why this revival spread so rapidly throughout the colonies. Special focus is placed on how the Great Awakening impacted the mindset of colonists of the Southern Backcountry. Most significantly, this research demonstrates how this 18thcentury revival not only cultivated a sense of American national identity, but how it also fostered a colonial mindset against established authority which, in turn, facilitated the success of the American Revolution. Additionally, this investigation will document (from a cross-cultural perspective) how religious revivals have fueled other revolutionary movements around the world. Such analysis will include the Celtic Druid Revolt, the Maji-Maji Rebellion of East Africa along with the Mad Man’s War in Southeast Asia. Lastly, the ethical ramifications of minimizing (or denying) the role that religion played in political and social transformations around the world will be addressed. This final point is of paramount importance given current trend in academia to minimize the role that religion played in spurring revolutions while emphasizing material (i.e. economic) causal factors. This attempt at divorcing religion from history is misguided and unethical because it is not only misleading but it also fails to fully acknowledge the beliefs and values that motivated individuals to take certain actions in the first place.
Are Libraries Obsolete? An Argument for Relevance in the Digital Age
Mark Y. Herring
The digital age has transformed information access in ways that few ever dreamed. But the afterclap of our digital wonders has left libraries reeling as they are no longer the chief contender in information delivery.
The author gives both sides—the web aficionados, some of them unhinged, and the traditional librarians, some blinkered—a fair hearing but misconceptions abound. Internet be-all and end-all enthusiasts are no more useful than librarians who urge fellow professionals to be all things to all people. The American Library Association, wildly democratic at its best and worst, appears schizophrenic on the issue, unhelpfully. “My effort here,” says the author, “is to talk about the elephant in the room.”
Are libraries obsolete? No! concludes the author (also). The book explores how libraries and librarians must and certainly can continue to be relevant, vibrant and enduring. -
Muzika Profesioniste Shqiptare: Dukuri Te Shekullit XX (Romanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
LIBRI: Gjatë gjysmës së dytë të shekullit XX, individualiteti krijues i një radhë kompozitorësh shqiptarë, u formua, si duke u mbështetur mbi lëndën melodiko-modale tradicionale, ashtu edhe duke mbajtur qëndrim krijues ndaj saj. Në këtë qerthull, përsa i takon përmbajtjes, Çesk Zadeja ka, si tipar kryesor individual të muzikës së tij, epizmin krenar; Tish Daija-lirikën entusiaste; Nikolla Zoraqi-lirikën dramatike; Tonin Harapi-lirikën e çiltër, shpesh hymnizuese; Kozma Lara-lirikën dramatike; Simon Gjoni-epikën dramatike; Pjetër Gaci-lirikën gazmore; Feim Ibrahimi-epikën heroike; Limoz Dizdari-liriken e gjere pasionante; Shpëtim Kushta-epikën hymnizuese; Kujtim Laro-epikën ëndërruese; Thoma Gaqi-epikën e thellë dramatike; Aleksandër Peçi-lirikën hymnizuese, etj. Libri Muzika profesioniste shqiptare: Dukuri të shekullit XX synon që të rrahë disa aspekte estetiko-sociale të muzikës profesioniste shqiptare të shekullit të kaluar. Duke u ndalur në dukuri muzikore të caktuara--vepra muzikore, studime teorike, kompozitorë, kritikë, etj.--, synimi është që të nxirren në pah disa çështje estetiko-sociale të rëndësishme, që karakterizuan jetën e muzikës profesioniste shqiptare të shekullit XX. Ndërkohë, shpresojmë se kështu do të mund të ndihmohet sadopak, si procesi i studimit teorik, ashtu edhe procesi i ecurisë praktike, të muzikës profesioniste shqiptare, në të ardhmen.
Muzika Tradicionale Shqiptare: Pervijimi Historik. (Romanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
Fryt i një veprimtarie hulumtuese më tepër se 20-vjeçare, seria gjashtë-librore Muzika tradicionale shqiptare synon që të japë një pamje sa më të gjerë e sa më të thellë të aspekteve më kryesore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të universit muzikor tradicional shqiptar. Përmbajtja e saj është e ndërlikuar, komplekse, shumë-dimensionale, duke shqyrtuar një mori çështjesh, midis të cilave më kryesoret ndoshta do të mund të formuloheshin në këtë mënyrë: i) çështje të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare në përgjithësi, si: thelbi lëndoro-substancial, thelbi strukturoro-formal, thelbi nacional, thelbi estetik universal, etj.; ii) çështje të dialekteve kryesore të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare-dialektit muzikor geg, dialektit muzikor tosk, dialektit muzikor lab, dialektit muzikor qytetar--, si: tipare dalluese, mjete shprehëse, stile muzikore, zhanre muzikore, etj.; iii) çështje të bashkëveprimit midis muzikës tradicionale shqiptare dhe muzikës së popujve të tjerë, si: muzikës tradicionale të popullit grek, asaj të popullit arumun, muzikës profesioniste të popullit turk, etj.; iv) çështje të së ardhmes së muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, etj. Përsa i takon përmbajtjes, çdo libër i serisë mund të qëndrojë, në të njëjtën kohë, si i pavarur, ashtu edhe i varur, nga librat e tjerë. LIBRI: Libri VI, Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Përvijimi historik, trajton çështje themelore estetiko-sociale të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, midis të cilave përmendim: përfytyra etniko-kombëtare, festivalet folklorike kombëtare, vijueshmëria historike, përpunimi, të shërbyerit si lëndë e muzikës profesioniste, detyra themelore të etnomuzikologjisë shqiptare, etj. Në shumë pikëpamje, Libri VI mund të shërbejë dhe shërben si përfundim themelor estetiko-social për tërë serinë gjashtë-librore.
Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika labe (Albanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
Fryt i një veprimtarie hulumtuese më tepër se 20-vjeçare, seria gjashtë-librore Muzika tradicionale shqiptare synon që të japë një pamje sa më të gjerë e sa më të thellë të aspekteve më kryesore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të universit muzikor tradicional shqiptar. Përmbajtja e saj është e ndërlikuar, komplekse, shumë-dimensionale, duke shqyrtuar një mori çështjesh, midis të cilave më kryesoret ndoshta do të mund të formuloheshin në këtë mënyrë: i) çështje të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare në përgjithësi, si: thelbi lëndoro-substancial, thelbi strukturoro-formal, thelbi nacional, thelbi estetik universal, etj.; ii) çështje të dialekteve kryesore të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare--dialektit muzikor geg, dialektit muzikor tosk, dialektit muzikor lab, dialektit muzikor qytetar--, si: tipare dalluese, mjete shprehëse, stile muzikore, zhanre muzikore, etj.; iii) çështje të bashkëveprimit midis muzikës tradicionale shqiptare dhe muzikës së popujve të tjerë, si: muzikës tradicionale të popullit grek, asaj të popullit arumun, muzikës profesioniste të popullit turk, etj.; iv) çështje të së ardhmes së muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, etj. Përsa i takon përmbajtjes, çdo libër i serisë mund të qëndrojë, në të njëjtën kohë, si i pavarur, ashtu edhe i varur, nga librat e tjerë. LIBRI: Libri IV, Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika labe, bën objekt hulumtimi aspekte themelore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të muzikës tradicionale labe. Midis ceshtjeve qe merren ne shqyrtim, jane: 1) tipare themelore dalluese; 2) mjete kryesore shprehëse; 3) stile muzikore të spikatura; 4) zhanre muzikore karakteristike; 5) bashkëveprimi midis muzikës tradicionale labe dhe muzikës tradicionale greke, etj.
Muzika Tradicionale Shqiptare: Muzika Qytetare (Albanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
Fryt i një veprimtarie hulumtuese më tepër se 20-vjeçare, seria gjashtë-librore Muzika tradicionale shqiptare synon që të japë një pamje sa më të gjerë e sa më të thellë të aspekteve më kryesore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të universit muzikor tradicional shqiptar. Përmbajtja e saj është e ndërlikuar, komplekse, shumë-dimensionale, duke shqyrtuar një mori çështjesh, midis të cilave më kryesoret ndoshta do të mund të formuloheshin në këtë mënyrë: i) çështje të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare në përgjithësi, si: thelbi lëndoro-substancial, thelbi strukturoro-formal, thelbi nacional, thelbi estetik universal, etj.; ii) çështje të dialekteve kryesore të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare-dialektit muzikor geg, dialektit muzikor tosk, dialektit muzikor lab, dialektit muzikor qytetar--, si: tipare dalluese, mjete shprehëse, stile muzikore, zhanre muzikore, etj.; iii) çështje të bashkëveprimit midis muzikës tradicionale shqiptare dhe muzikës së popujve të tjerë, si: muzikës tradicionale të popullit grek, asaj të popullit arumun, muzikës profesioniste të popullit turk, etj.; iv) çështje të së ardhmes së muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, etj. Përsa i takon përmbajtjes, çdo libër i serisë mund të qëndrojë, në të njëjtën kohë, si i pavarur, ashtu edhe i varur, nga librat e tjerë. LIBRI: Libri V, Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika qytetare, bën objekt hulumtimi aspekte themelore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të muzikës tradicionale qytetare. Midis çështjeve që merren në shqyrtim, janë: 1) tipare themelore dalluese; 2) mjete kryesore shprehëse; 3) stile muzikore të spikatura; 4) dukuri të gjysmës së dytë të shekullit XX; 5) bashkëveprimi midis muzikës tradicionale qytetare dhe muzikës profesioniste turke, etj.
The Ethics of Anthropology and Amerindian Research: Reporting on Environmental Degradation and Warfare.
Richard J. Chacon and Rubén G. Mendoza
The decision to publish scholarly findings bearing on the question of Amerindian environmental degradation, warfare, and/or violence is one that weighs heavily on anthropologists. This burden stems from the fact that documentation of this may render indigenous communities vulnerable to a host of predatory agendas and hostile modern forces.
Consequently, some anthropologists and community advocates alike argue that such culturally and socially sensitive, and thereby, politically volatile information regarding Amerindian-induced environmental degradation and warfare should not be reported. This admonition presents a conundrum for anthropologists and other social scientists employed in the academy or who work at the behest of tribal entities.
This work documents the various ethical dilemmas that confront anthropologists, and researchers in general, when investigating Amerindian communities. The contributions to this volume explore the ramifications of reporting--and, specfically,--of non-reporting instances of environmental degradation and warfare among Amerindians.
Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika gege (Albanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
SERIA: Fryt i një veprimtarie hulumtuese më tepër se 20-vjeçare, seria gjashtë-librore Muzika tradicionale shqiptare synon që të japë një pamje sa më të gjerë e sa më të thellë të aspekteve më kryesore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të universit muzikor tradicional shqiptar. Përmbajtja e saj është e ndërlikuar, komplekse, shumë-dimensionale, duke shqyrtuar një mori çështjesh, midis të cilave më kryesoret ndoshta do të mund të formuloheshin në këtë mënyrë: i) çështje të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare në përgjithësi, si: thelbi lëndoro-substancial, thelbi strukturoro-formal, thelbi nacional, thelbi estetik universal, etj.; ii) çështje të dialekteve kryesore të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare-dialektit muzikor geg, dialektit muzikor tosk, dialektit muzikor lab, dialektit muzikor qytetar--, si: tipare dalluese, mjete shprehëse, stile muzikore, zhanre muzikore, etj.; iii) çështje të bashkëveprimit midis muzikës tradicionale shqiptare dhe muzikës së popujve të tjerë, si: muzikës tradicionale të popullit grek, asaj të popullit arumun, muzikës profesioniste të popullit turk, etj.; iv) çështje të së ardhmes së muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, etj. LIBRI: Libri II, Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika gege, bën objekt hulumtimi aspekte themelore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të muzikës tradicionale gege. Midis çështjeve që merren në shqyrtim, janë: 1) tipare themelore dalluese; 2) mjete kryesore shprehëse; 3) stile muzikore të spikatura; 4) zhanre muzikore karakteristike; 5) bashkëveprimi midis muzikës tradicionale gege dhe muzikës tradicionale qytetare, etj.
Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika toske (Albanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
SERIA: Fryt i një veprimtarie hulumtuese më tepër se 20-vjeçare, seria gjashtë-librore Muzika tradicionale shqiptare synon që të japë një pamje sa më të gjerë e sa më të thellë të aspekteve më kryesore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të universit muzikor tradicional shqiptar. Përmbajtja e saj është e ndërlikuar, komplekse, shumë-dimensionale, duke shqyrtuar një mori çështjesh, midis të cilave më kryesoret ndoshta do të mund të formuloheshin në këtë mënyrë: i) çështje të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare në përgjithësi, si: thelbi lëndoro-substancial, thelbi strukturoro-formal, thelbi nacional, thelbi estetik universal, etj.; ii) çështje të dialekteve kryesore të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare-dialektit muzikor geg, dialektit muzikor tosk, dialektit muzikor lab, dialektit muzikor qytetar--, si: tipare dalluese, mjete shprehëse, stile muzikore, zhanre muzikore, etj.; iii) çështje të bashkëveprimit midis muzikës tradicionale shqiptare dhe muzikës së popujve të tjerë, si: muzikës tradicionale të popullit grek, asaj të popullit arumun, muzikës profesioniste të popullit turk, etj.; iv) çështje të së ardhmes së muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, etj. Përsa i takon përmbajtjes, çdo libër i serisë mund të qëndrojë, në të njëjtën kohë, si i pavarur, ashtu edhe i varur, nga librat e tjerë. LIBRI: Libri III, Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Muzika toske, bën objekt hulumtimi aspekte themelore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të muzikës tradicionale toske. Midis çështjeve që merren në shqyrtim, janë: 1) tipare themelore dalluese; 2) mjete kryesore shprehëse; 3) nën-dialekte muzikore të spikatura; 4) zhanre muzikore karakteristike; 5) bashkëveprimi midis muzikës tradicionale toske dhe muzikës tradicionale labe e arumune, etj.
Professional Ethics for School Psychologists: A Problem-Solving Casebook
Leigh Armistead, Barbara Bole Williams, and Susan Jacob
Ethical decision making forms the foundation of school psychological practice and is essential to protecting the rights of children and families. It both shapes daily delivery of school psychological services and informs decisions regarding specific ethical dilemmas. Every school psychologist needs to know not only what ethical principles guide the profession but also how to apply those principles to their work. Professional Ethics for School Psychologists: A Problem-Solving Casebook is the first comprehensive resource to illustrate how school psychologists can effectively identify, interpret, and put in practice the field’s ethical principles.
Albanian Traditional Music: An Introduction, with Sheet Music and Lyrics for 48 Songs
Spiro J. Shetuni
For most musicians and musicologists in the West, traditional Albanian music remains an obscure subject, even though Albania has produced a monumental cultural and corresponding musical heritage. This book examines the distinct musical culture of southeastern Europe, both monophonic and polyphonic, by delineating its four main musical dialects: Gheg, Tosk, Lab and Urban. The origins, fundamental features, musical styles and genres of the four dialects are discussed. Additional topics covered include an historical and demographic analysis of Albania, the history of Albanian ethnomusicology and the various classifications in Albanian music. Relying heavily on field research and recordings, this text introduces traditional Albanian music to both ethnomusicologists and curious readers.
Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Hyrje (Albanian Edition)
Spiro J. Shetuni
SERIA: Fryt i një veprimtarie hulumtuese më tepër se 20-vjeçare, seria gjashtë-librore Muzika tradicionale shqiptare synon që të japë një pamje sa më të gjerë e sa më të thellë të aspekteve më kryesore, estetiko-sociale e strukturoro-formale, të universit muzikor tradicional shqiptar. Përmbajtja e saj është e ndërlikuar, komplekse, shumë-dimensionale, duke shqyrtuar një mori çështjesh, midis të cilave më kryesoret ndoshta do të mund të formuloheshin në këtë mënyrë: i) çështje të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare në përgjithësi, si: thelbi lëndoro-substancial, thelbi strukturoro-formal, thelbi nacional, thelbi estetik universal, etj.; ii) çështje të dialekteve kryesore të muzikës tradicionale shqiptare-dialektit muzikor geg, dialektit muzikor tosk, dialektit muzikor lab, dialektit muzikor qytetar--, si: tipare dalluese, mjete shprehëse, stile muzikore, zhanre muzikore, etj.; iii) çështje të bashkëveprimit midis muzikës tradicionale shqiptare dhe muzikës së popujve të tjerë, si: muzikës tradicionale të popullit grek, asaj të popullit arumun, muzikës profesioniste të popullit turk, etj.; iv) çështje të së ardhmes së muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, etj. LIBRI: Libri I, Muzika tradicionale shqiptare: Hyrje, bën objekt hulumtimi çështje themelore estetiko-sociale, midis të cilave përmendim: pamje etniko-demografike e Shqipërisë gjatë shekullit XX, dialekte muzikore të diasporës shqiptare, teoria dhe metodologjia e etnomuzikologjisë shqiptare, origjina e muzikës tradicionale shqiptare, roli estetiko-social i saj në shekuj, mënyra e ekzistencës, klasifikimi i përgjithshëm, njësia kulturoro-artistike nacionale, vështrim krahasues estetik në plan universal midis muzikës tradicionale dhe muzikës profesioniste, etj. Në shumë pikëpamje, Libri I mund të shërbejë dhe shërben si qerthull themelor estetiko-social për tërë serinë gjashtë-librore.
Planning Effective Instruction for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems
Rebecca Barr Evers and Sue Spencer
The strength of this new text is how the content utilizes the principles of universal design for learning, metacognitive and cognitive strategies, and project-based learning to identify potential barriers to learning and simplify instructional decision-making, improving teachers’ confidence and skill at delivering effective instruction to all students with and without disabilities in general and special education settings.
Ultimately what emerges is more than just a new book, but a resource and guide for prospective teachers and practitioners to use everyday on the job, as they work toward deepening their understanding of how individuals learn, how and why learning occurs or does not occur, and how both students and teachers can utilize research-based methods to facilitate the learning process. The authors are right to include a core summary of theoretical, conceptual, psychological, methodological, and instructional issues associated with the often-complex task of teaching students with diverse learning needs in inclusive settings. They further identify for the reader metacognitive ability as the learner characteristic most commonly associated with student success and/or failure, additional lists and charts of student characteristics and educational implications by area of exceptionality, learner characteristics by groups, and a comparison of typical academic and social-emotional classroom demands, noting problems common across groups that may place individual students at-risk for academic failure. There are even special chapters on using all of these principles to teach the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics. More than the typical resource on students with disabilities and exceptional needs, Planning Effective Instruction for Students with Learning and Behavior Problems serves as an ongoing reference for pre-service teachers and practitioners interested in improving their ability to deliver effective instruction to all students with and without disabilities in general and special education settings.
An Unbroken Chain: The History of Coats Baptist Church, 1910-2010
Ronnie W. Faulkner
This book is a history of Coats (N.C.) Baptist Church written by an academic historian. Founded in 1910 by James Archibald Campbell, the principal of Buies Creek Academy, along with 48 devout citizens, the church grew by 2010 to over one-thousand. From the beginning, the Coats church was intimately connected with the civic, educational, and religious life of the community. Lay leaders in the church were inevitably leaders in the local government and schools. Pastor Campbell, an orthodox believer in “old time religion,” infused the people with what he called “the plain and simple truths of the Bible.” In the 1950s, after coming through both depression and war, Rev. J. Ben Eller reinvigorated the Coats Baptist Church with his firm adherence to Scripture. He believed “the Bible to be the infallible Word of the Eternal God.” Eller oversaw the construction of a new facility and the building of a church parsonage. Eller was followed by Rev. A. Howard Beard, a transplanted Yankee and the longest serving pastor of the church. Beard preached in Coats for twenty-five years. He was more nuanced in his religious views than were Eller or Campbell, but saw a steady growth at Coats Baptist in the years of his ministry. From 1991 until 2013, the church was shepherded by Rev. Jesse W. Mooney, Jr.—a strong theological conservative and man of “Christ-like” qualities. Under him, the church not only grew, but constructed a new $4-million facility north of the town in 1999.
The Elephant in the Classroom: Race and Writing
Jane Bowman Smith
While many works have been written about African American students and composition, they tend to examine the students themselves: their language, attitudes toward education, and successes and difficulties with writing. This collection examines the social construct of the classroom itself. African American students confront a complex situation in the composition classroom. Both their learning and their writing are made more difficult because in many instances, the instructor is White; while the instructor may have thought with some sensitivity about the problems African American students might face, he/she may not have thought critically about either his/her own “Whiteness” and its possible inpact on students or about the university as a “White” institution. When the language, the rhetoric, and the culture of some students is neither accepted nor understood by the instructor, and some traits are still stigmatized rather than seen as strengths, learning is made more difficult and in some cases impossible.
In examining the classroom as a social construct, chapters consider the academy’s traditions and expectations for writing and the teaching of writing; the role of Standard American English as a language that is typically privileged; the importance of understanding student writers; and ultimately, strategies and approaches that are more likely to help both instructors and students create a classroom community. Questions addressed include: Can one truly be “bidialectical” and “bicultural?” If so, how? Can both White and Black teachers as well as students begin to see the strengths of a blending of languages and cultures in academia? The university expects that students will come to it and change; however, to educate students respectfully and successfully, both the academy and individual instructors must be willing to listen and change with their students. -
Austen's Emma: A Readers Guide
Gregg Allen Hecimovich
Emma is one of Jane Austen's most popular novels, in large part due to the impact of Emma Woodhouse, the "handsome, clever and rich" heroine. This lively, informed and insightful guide to Emma explores the style, structure, themes, critical reputation and literary influence of Jane Austen's classic novel and also discusses its film and TV versions. It includes points for discussion, suggestions for further study and an annotated guide to relevant reading. This introduction to the text is the ideal companion to study, offering guidance on the literary and historical context, reading the text, the critical reception and publishing history, adaptation and interpretation and a guide to further reading.
Death at the Ballpark: A Comprehensive Study of Game-Related Fatalities of Players, Other Personnel and Spectators in Amateur and Professional Baseball, 1862-2007
David K. Weeks and Robert M. Gorman
Despite whizzing fastballs and screaming line drives, baseball today is not especially dangerous. But over the game's history, hundreds of players, coaches, and spectators have died at the ballpark. This ground-breaking study covers nearly 150 years of game-related fatalities. Providing the known details for each death, the authors also identify contributing factors and discuss changes to playing rules, protective equipment, crowd control, stadium structure, and the grounds themselves. Chapter topics include pitched- and batted-ball fatalities, weather and field condition accidents, structural failures, violence or risky behavior fatalities, and deaths from natural causes.
The Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians
Richard J. Chacon and David H. Dye
The Amerindian (American Indian or Native American – reference to both North and South America) practice of taking and displaying various body parts as trophies has long intrigued both the research community as well as the public. As a subject that is both controversial and politically charged, it has also come under attack as a European colonists’ perspective intended to denigrate native peoples.
What this collection demonstrates is that the practice of trophy-taking predates European contact in the Americas but was also practiced in other parts of the world (Europe, Africa, Asia) and has been practiced prehistorically, historically and up to and including the twentieth century.
This edited volume mainly focuses on this practice in both North and South America. The editors and contributors (which include Native Peoples from both continents) examine the evidence and causes of Amerindian trophy taking as reflected in osteological, archaeological, ethnohistoric and ethnographic accounts. Additionally, they present objectively and discuss dispassionately the topic of human proclivity toward ritual violence.
Mark Twain and Metaphor
John C. Bird
Metaphor theory, observes John Bird, is like Mark Twain: both seem simple upon first introduction. Now, in the most complete study to date of Twain’s use of figurative language, a veteran Twain scholar tackles the core of his writing and explores it with theoretical approaches that have rarely been applied to Twain, providing new insights into how he imagined his world—and the singular ways in which he expressed himself.
From “The Jumping Frog” to the late dream narratives, Bird considers Twain’s metaphoric construction over his complete career and especially sheds new light on his central texts: Roughing It; The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court; Pudd’nhead Wilson; and No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger. He reconsiders “Old Times on the Mississippi” as the most purely metaphorical of Twain’s writings, goes on to look at how Twain used metaphor and talked about it in a variety of works and genres, and even argues that Clemens’s pseudonym is not so much an alter ego as a metaphorized self.
By offering insight into how Twain handled figurative language during the composing process, Bird reveals not only hidden facets of his artistry but also new aspects of works that we think we know well—including some entirely new ideas regarding Huck Finn that draw on the recent discovery of the first half of the manuscript. In addition to dealing with issues currently central to Twain studies, such as race and gender, he also links metaphor to humor and dream theory to further illuminate topics central to his work.
More than a study of Twain’s language, the book delves into the psychological aspects of metaphor to reveal the writer’s attitudes and thoughts, showing how using metaphor as a guide to Twain reveals much about his composition process. Applying the insights of metaphor theorists such as Roman Jakobson and Colin M. Turbayne, Bird offers readers not only new insights into Twain but also an introduction to this interdisciplinary field.
In lively prose, Mark Twain and Metaphor provides a vital way to read Twain’s entire corpus, allowing readers to better appreciate his style, humor, and obsession with dreams. It opens new ground and makes old ground fresh again, offering ways to see and resee this essential American writer.
North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence.
Richard J. Chacon and Rubén G. Mendoza
Despite evidence of warfare and violent conflict in pre-Columbian North America, scholars argue that the scale and scope of Native American violence is exagerated. They contend that scholarly misrepresentation has denigrated indigenous peoples when in fact they lived together in peace and harmony. In rebutting that contention, this groundbreaking book presents clear evidence—from multiple academic disciplines—that indigenous populations engaged in warfare and ritual violence long before European contact. In ten well-documented and thoroughly researched chapters, fourteen leading scholars dispassionately describe sources and consequences of Amerindian warfare and violence, including ritual violence. Originally presented at an American Anthropological Association symposium, their findings construct a convincing case that bloodshed and killing have been woven into the fabric of indigenous life in North America for many centuries.
The editors argue that a failure to acknowledge the roles of warfare and violence in the lives of indigenous North Americans is itself a vestige of colonial repression—depriving native warriors of their history of armed resistance. These essays document specific acts of Native American violence across the North American continent. Including contributions from anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, and ethnographers, they argue not only that violence existed but also that it was an important and frequently celebrated component of Amerindian life. -
Fool’s Gold Why the Internet Is No Substitute for a Library
Mark Y. Herring
This work skeptically explores the notion that the internet will soon obviate any need for traditional print-based academic libraries. It makes a case for the library’s staying power in the face of technological advancements (television, microfilm, and CD-ROM’s were all once predicted as the contemporary library’s heir-apparent), and devotes individual chapters to the pitfalls and prevarications of popular search engines, e-books, and the mass digitization of traditional print material.
Breastfeeding Rights in the United States
Karen M. Kedrowski and Michael E. Lipscomb
Breastfeeding Rights in the United States shows that the right to breastfeed in this country exists only in a negative sense: you can do it unless someone takes you to court. Kedrowski and Lipscomb catalog and analyze all the laws, policies, judicial opinions, cultural mores, and public attitudes that bear on breastfeeding in America. They then explore the classic double bind: social norms promulgated by the medical and public health establishment say breast is best; but social practices in the workplace and in public spaces make breastfeeding difficult. Aggravating the double bind is the prominence of the breast in American culture as a sexual object. The double bind creates coercively structured choices that are incompatible with the meaningful exercise of rights.
The authors conclude that the solution to this problem requires new theory and new strategy. They posit a new democratic, feminist theory of the breastfeeding right that is predicated on the following distinctions: DT It is not a right to breastfeed, but a right to choose to breastfeed. DT It is a woman's right to choose, not a baby's right to be breastfeed. DT It is a right, not a duty. The authors predict that framing the breastfeeding right in this way provides the basis for a new strategic coalition between breastfeeding advocates and liberal feminists, who have historically been wary of one another's rhetoric. Breastfeeding Rights in the United States represents an important advance toward policy change. -
Cancer Activism Gender, Media, and Public Policy
Karen M. Kedrowski and Marilyn S. Sarow
Cancer Activism explores the interplay between advocacy, the media, and public perception through an analysis of breast cancer and prostate cancer activist groups over a nearly twenty-year period. Despite both diseases having nearly identical mortality and morbidity rates, Karen M. Kedrowski and Marilyn Stine Sarow present evidence from more than 4,200 news articles to show that the different groups have had markedly different impacts. They trace the rise of each movement from its beginning and explore how discussions about the diseases appeared on media, public, and government agendas. In an important exception to the feminist tenet that women as a group hold less power than men, Kedrowski and Sarow demonstrate that the breast cancer movement is not only larger and better organized than the prostate cancer movement, it is also far more successful at shaping media coverage, public opinion, and government policy.
Amish Education in the United States and Canada
Mark W. Dewalt
Here is a rich ethnographic description of Amish education in 21st Century America that describes how literacy, community, and accountability are key values in the Amish educational system. The author gives readers a succinct overview of Amish history and religious practice, and then explores the reasons the Amish began their schools and some of the struggles they had to endure as a result. The book provides an encompassing description of common teaching styles, curriculum, and textbooks, as well as detailed classroom glimpses of Amish schools throughout the United States and Canada.
Case Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice
Deana F. Morrow and Lori Messinger
This casebook focuses on sexual orientation and gender expression in relation to social work practice. An excellent resource, it offers 29 cases illustrating the variety of issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) people and communities in five practice settings-individuals, couples and families, communities and organizations, groups, and policy and research. The book also contains discussion questions, classroom exercises, and suggested readings for each case, so educators can easily integrate GLBT content into the classroom. Case Studies on Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice may be used on its own, in conjunction with another textbook, or as a complement to Deana F. Morrow and Lori Messinger's Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice: Working with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People (Columbia, 2006). Messinger and Morrow are award-winning teachers and their groundbreaking book is key for culturally competent undergraduate or graduate courses in practice, policy, human behavior and the social environment, research, and field education.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression in Social Work Practice: Working with Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People
Deana F. Morrow and Lori Messinger
This volume offers an invaluable resource for both social work educators and practitioners working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) clients and their families. It is the first such work to specifically address issues affecting bisexual and transgender people as well as the larger concerns of the GLBT community.
Contributors present specific, practical suggestions for effective knowledge-based and skills-based practice with GLBT clients. Topics include heterosexism and homophobia, identity development, coming out, GLBT adolescents and older adults, health-care concerns, relationships and families, workplace issues, the history of the GLBT civil rights movement, sex reassignment, AIDS, and the role of spirituality in the lives of GLBT individuals. The contributors also consider intragroup issues of race, ethnicity, age, and socioeconomic status. -
National Police Gazette and the Making of the Modern American Man, 1879-1906
Guy S. Reel
For generations during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, The National Police Gazette was a leading New York City men's tabloid magazine that celebrated scandal, crime, sex, and sports. It used splashy woodcut illustrations to highlight various aspects of masculinities and challenges to masculinities, gaining large numbers of mostly male readers in taverns, barbershops, and gambling halls. During this period, the Gazette portrayals highlighted, decried, and sensationalized the responses of men and women to the vices of Victorian America. In this volume, the Gazette is examined on a variety of levels, including its use of garish illustrations, its focus on tough guys, its obsession with beautiful women, its racy advertising, and its views on class and race. The tabloid, which circulated nationally and, later, internationally, became known as the "Barbershop Bible" because of its ubiquity in these male-dominated domains. Through these outlets and others, The National Police Gazette reflected a generation's views on gender and helped create a culture of manhood that survives even today.
This book analyzes the National Police Gazette, the racy New York City tabloid that gained an audience among men and boys of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Looking at how images of sex, crime, and sports reflected and shaped masculinities during this watershed era, this book amounts to a story of what it meant to be an American man at the beginning of the American Century.
Genetic Engineering
Mark Y. Herring
Genetic engineering has quickly become one of the more controversial issues of our time. Herring provides a detailed history of the debate in a fair and balanced manner, using proponents' points of view to make individual cases, both pro and con. Narrative chapters cover such topics as the Human Genome Project, gene splicing, cloning, genetically altered foods, and DNA and crime-solving.
Students and the general public will find a comprehensive survey of the genetic engineering debate. Appendices include statements from Robert P. George and Peter Singer, two of the most prominent scholars on the subject, and a bibliography of print and electronic resources for further research. -
The Civilian Conservation Corps: A Bibliography
Jackie Hood McFadden
This book is a list of citations covering the wealth of information written about the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The CCC was President Franklin D. Roosevelt's favorite and most respected New Deal program. It provided economic assistance and hope for the future to the many enlisted men and their families during the height of the Great Depression. These men developed state parks, built roads and bridges and restored the environment from the devastation caused by droughts and deforestation of the west. Through hard work, they found renewed pride in themselves and their country. Their efforts can be seen in former camp sites and parks across the nation. There continues to be a fascination with the CCC. It is often studied as a model program of youth service work, conservation, and adult education. This collection will be useful to all who study the New Deal era and especially to those who concentrate on the CCC. The bibliography is organized by material type, including Federal Government documents, magazine, and journal articles, ERIC documents, books (including theses and dissertations), videos and films. The magazine, journal articles, and ERIC documents are briefly annotated to further assist the researcher.
Raising Funds With Friends Groups
Mark Y. Herring
Here is everything you and your library need to make the most of their friends group - or to start a viable and active new group. Friends group expert Mark Herring offers step-by-step advice for how public and academic libraries can capitalize on this important asset, including establishing and organizing a steering committee, marketing and public relations, advocacy, and special events programming. Special sections focus on feasibility studies, establishing perpetual programs and legacy gifts, and establishing and utilizing a Friends' Web site for fundraising.
South Carolina in the Civil War The Confederate Experience in Letters and Diaries
Eddie Edward Lee and Ron Chepesiuk
Although modern authors continually produce important studies of the War Between the States, the firsthand accounts of those who were in the conflict remain the most valuable tools for understanding. This collection of letters and diaries provides glimpses into the lives of a diverse group of South Carolinians.
Among the seventeen accounts are the voices of women, including a Confederate spy; of officers like Captain Obidiah Hardin, who left his beloved Palmetto State to fight and die in Virginia before the war was even a year old; and of common men, like German immigrant Augustus Franks, whose love for his adopted state compelled him to staunchly defend the Confederacy. Collected from the archives of Winthrop University, these remarkable documents give voices and faces to the war as it affected South Carolina and her citizens. -
The Pro-Life/Choice Debate
Mark Y. Herring
While the disagreements on abortion date to the beginning of our country, most of its public debate has taken place during the 20th century. Herring examines the issue from the debate's origin to its current state and expected future. Narrative chapters include discussions of the pro and con arguments associated with abortion, featuring quotes from doctors, politicians, religious figures, and ordinary people.
First in the new Historical Guides to Controversial Issues in America series, this volume studies the major events and periods in the development of the abortion debate throughout its history. Students will find a nonpartisan approach to landmark cases, acts and amendments, and Pro-Life and Pro-Choice advocates. A list of Pro-Life/Choice Web sites and other electronic resources for further research is included. -
Nixon, Ford and the Abandonment of South Vietnam
J Edward Lee and H.C. Toby Haynsworth
South Vietnam fell because of events occurring thousands of miles away from the battlefields—in China, the Soviet Union, Latin America, the Middle East, and Washington’s corridors of power, along protest lines, and around America’s dinner tables. These other wars being fought by American presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford profoundly impacted what happened in Vietnam.
This work examines those other conflicts and the political, social, and economic factors involved with them that distracted and crippled the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford and led to the eventual abandonment of the U.S.-supported South Vietnamese regime. Nixon entered office with the goal of bringing the world together, but saw that goal ruined by the 1973 war in the Middle East, preoccupations with China and the Soviet Union, a weak economy, Watergate, and his disgraceful exit from the White House. Ford’s presidency was tainted almost from the beginning because of the pardon he granted to Nixon, but the American public, tired of war and concerned about the economy, was ready to hear that the war had come to an end. An argument is presented that the war could have been won if the “other wars” had been fought by presidents willing to honor the American commitment to its allies in South Vietnam. -
Student Self-Assessment and Development in Writing
Jane Bowman Smith and Kathleen Blake Yancey
This collection explores student self-assessment and its role in the development of writing. Chapters address both theoretical and practical issues and make connections to extend the work done by teacher evaluation of student writing, peer evaluation and in portfolios.
Prologue to Manifest Destiny: Anglo-American Relations in the 1840's
Donald A. Rakestraw and Howard Jones
During the 1840s the United States and England were in conflict over two unsettled territories along the undefined Canadian-American border. This riveting account of the Maine and Oregon boundary treaties is brought to life masterfully by Professors Howard Jones and Donald Rakestraw.
The events in this story paved the way for one of the most far-reaching developments in American history: the age of expansion. The United States gradually came to believe in manifest destiny, the irreversible expansion of the States across the continent. The country?s success with England in resolving the two territorial disputes marked the dawn of this new era.
Complicating the U.S.-English situation in the 1840s was a border conflict brewing with Mexico. Failure to resolve the disputes with England might have led the United States to war with two nations at once. Careful negotiations led to settlements with England instead of war. But the United States went to war with Mexico from 1846 to 1848.
Prologue to Manifest Destiny offers a rare, detailed look at the tense Anglo-American relationship during the 1840s and the two agreements reached regarding the land in the Northeast and the Northwest. Presidents John Tyler and James Polk and the robust master of diplomacy, Daniel Webster, were among the American actors who played center stage in the drama, as well as Britain?s Lord Ashburton, who worked closely with Webster to keep the turbulent conflict over the Northeast territory from escalating into war.
This gripping frontier story will fascinate as it educates. Prologue to Manifest Destiny is perfect for courses in American history, international relations, and diplomatic history.
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