Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Multi-Cultural Classroom: Exploring Impacts of Open Educational Resources’ Use on Collaboration and Teamwork
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College of Business Administration
Management and Marketing
This study investigated students’ perceptions and reactions to the integration of Online Educational Resources (OERs) Wikipedia, YouTube, etc. in an in-seat business course. The students in the course came from multi-cultural, multinational, and multi-ethnic backgrounds. Preliminary results indicate that all students use an online site and the OERs to collaborate on group assignments and to build relationships with their peers. In addition, most of the international students spent extra time reviewing the OERs and other materials placed online to prepare for in-class discussions and exams. As the higher education landscape continues to tilt towards a global, opensourced, and inter-connected learning environment, the use of OERs will allow faculty members to help students enhance learning experiences, build strong connections with their peers, and gain greater appreciation of diverse cultures and diverse viewpoints, while in college.
OER, Open Educational Resources, Technology- Enhanced Learning, TEL, Multi-Cultural Classroom, Collaboration, Teamwork
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Digital Commons Citation
Guilbaud, P. and Whitney, M. (2017). Technology-enhanced learning and the multi-cultural classroom: Exploring impacts of open educational resources' use on collaboration and teamwork," 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology and Accessibility (ICTA), Muscat, Oman (pp. 1-5). doi: 10.1109/ICTA.2017.8336069.