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College of Business Administration
Management and Marketing
When there is an economic downturn, cities are forced to develop a strategy to revitalize. Increasing the transfer of high technology into the marketplace stimulates the economy. High tech industries are industries that include relatively high percentages of scientific and technical workers, or industries that make relatively large expenditures in research and development. "[I]n difficult economic times, political stakeholders in the technology transfer process usually view success in economic impact terms, and often from short-term and parochial perspectives-how many jobs in my state next year?" Examples include the expansion of the suburban space economy in the 1980s that produced new commercial landscapes in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. in the form of high-tech corridors along limited-access highways.
high-tech, high tech, high tech transportation corridors, high-tech transportation corridors, economic development, technology transfer, transportation policy, commercialization, trade, innovation, innovation development
Publication Title
Albany Law Journal Science & Technology
Digital Commons Citation
Hamilton, Clovia. "High-Tech Transportation Corridors Are in Vogue: Proposed Federal Transportation Policy Amendments." Alb. LJ Sci. & Tech. 14 (2003): 359-396.
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Business Administration, Management, and Operations Commons, Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations Commons, Growth and Development Commons, Regional Economics Commons, Technology and Innovation Commons