The Big Eight . . . and Other Culinary Menaces to Camper Society
Document Type
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Richard W.Riley College of Education
From our gluten-free week of camp to milk allergies to occasional Red Dye 40 and MSG intolerances, Camp Gilmont has seen an increase in food allergies and other special dietary needs. From a 2013 study by the Centers for Disease Control, food allergies now affect fifteen million Americans, with that number increasing roughly 50 percent between 1997 and 2011. Eight percent — or more than three million — children have a food allergy, the most common being peanut, milk, and shellfish (Food Allergy Research and Education, 2013).
Publication Title
Camping Magazine
March/April 2014
Digital Commons Citation
Truitt, Kimberly Whiteside, "The Big Eight . . . and Other Culinary Menaces to Camper Society" (2014). Winthrop Faculty and Staff Publications. 38.
Originally published in the March/April 2014 Camping Magazine.