A Five-Star Recipe for Excellence in Camp Food Service
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Richard W.Riley College of Education
Moving about confidently, two cooks snatched the garlic bread from the oven, prepped the salad bar, whipped up chocolate pudding, and a meal was complete. As the new food service director at Camp Gilmont, I marveled at the vigorous activity around me in the camp kitchen. From the outside looking in, it appeared as if an intentional routine had been established, as if the employees’ activity was magically orchestrated. However, as I scrutinized the routine over the next few days, I realized that serious change needed to happen in this kitchen. I began perusing guest evaluations and discovered ratings that were nearly perfect on food service, but much less than desirable regarding food quality.
Publication Title
Camping Magazine
March 2016
Digital Commons Citation
Truitt, Kimberly Whiteside, "A Five-Star Recipe for Excellence in Camp Food Service" (2016). Winthrop Faculty and Staff Publications. 37.