Document Type
Publication Date
Winter 2-22-2016
Ida Jane Dacus Library
About three decades ago, political correctness surfaced in a few large colleges and universities. Some attributed it to a form of Marxism, others brushed it off as a passing fad. Still others marked it as a step in the right direct: looking out for others who might otherwise be offended by one thing or another. Political correctness, PC as it was sometimes abbreviated, took many forms, from language to cultures, to mores. For example, some women took offense to having doors open for them, literally. Some didn’t like certain words or phrases being used in their presence. Still others sought to change language from the inside out, doing away with gender specific antecedents, and making speaking and writing more of a challenge than it already is.
Trigger Warnings, Political Correctness, PC
Publication Title
Against the Grain
Vol 27
Digital Commons Citation
Herring, Mark Y., "Roosting Chickens?" (2016). Winthrop Faculty and Staff Publications. 27.