Little Red Herrings: The Moving Finger ... Blinks and Having Blinked, Blinks On
Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 6-5-2015
Ida Jane Dacus Library
At the end of February, amid the snow and the false alarms for snow and ice, came the following headline: “Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print — And Yes You Read that Right!” ( No, it didn’t come from the pen of this column’s author (though it could have), nor did it come from any number of those whom some wish to brand as Luddites: Nicholas Carr, Mark Bauerlein, or Sven Birkerts. Rather it came from Maryland reporter Michael S. Rosenwald and The Washington Post. The piece is eye-catching if for no other reason than it isn’t from the usual suspects!
Reading, Libraries, Ebooks, Print vs. Digital
Digital Commons Citation
Herring, Mark Y., "Little Red Herrings: The Moving Finger ... Blinks and Having Blinked, Blinks On" (2015). Winthrop Faculty and Staff Publications. 24.