Creative Ways to Promote Engaged Student Learning in Classes
Technology and Teaching, Innovative Teaching Strategies
Session Abstract
Classes like general biology can be challenging for instructors to teach because concepts are hard for many students to grasp. In biology classes, we try to solve this problem by offering labs as ways to give students hands‐on experience. However, labs can make lecture time not interesting when lectures become just students listening only to the instructors. Here, I present some brief and creative activities that other instructors and I have used to engage students in the classroom. These activities are examples of ways that instructors can reach out to students during lectures.
West Center 217
Start Date
21-2-2014 2:20 PM
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Creative Ways to Promote Engaged Student Learning in Classes
West Center 217
Classes like general biology can be challenging for instructors to teach because concepts are hard for many students to grasp. In biology classes, we try to solve this problem by offering labs as ways to give students hands‐on experience. However, labs can make lecture time not interesting when lectures become just students listening only to the instructors. Here, I present some brief and creative activities that other instructors and I have used to engage students in the classroom. These activities are examples of ways that instructors can reach out to students during lectures.