Date of Award


Document Type



Richard W.Riley College of Education

Degree Name

Master of Science

Thesis Advisor

Joni Boyd

Committee Member

Jason Chung

Committee Member

Janet Wojcik


mediation, campus recreation, perceived stress, leisure satisfaction

Committee Member

Nicole Merchant


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between campus recreation participation and perceived stress in college students and if leisure satisfaction mediates their relationship. Participants for this research were 342 college students at a southeastern university. Students completed a survey about their demographics, perceived stress (PSS-10), campus recreation participation and their leisure satisfaction (LSS). Correlations and mediation was then calculated using the statistical analysis program SPSS. Participants of recreational services perceived stress was not significantly correlated with students who do not use recreational services. Leisure satisfaction was inversely correlated with perceived stress in the participants. Out of the leisure satisfaction subscales, participants who scored higher in relaxation, psychological, and social scored lower on the PSS-10. This research gives evidence that leisure satisfaction through campus recreation can be used as a stress reliever or coping strategy for college students.
