Exercise Prescription for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Submitting Student(s)

Katie Weber

Session Title

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College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuromuscular disease that causes the immune system to attack the protective covering surrounding nerve fibers. This causes MS patients to need a special exercise program to suit their needs as they need accommodations for muscle weakness, abnormal mechanics, balance problems, etc. People with MS often view exercise as something that makes their symptoms worse; however, exercise is something that can greatly increase their quality of life and function. Individualized exercise testing is necessary for prescribing exercise for people with MS but there are general guidelines to follow. It is recommended to have 2-3 days per week of aerobic training, with each session being 10-30 min long at moderate intensity (12-15 Rating of Perceived Exertion). Resistance training is recommended to be done 2-3 days per week. This is 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions at 60-80% of 1 Repetition Max. Flexibility is recommended for 5-7 days per week and 1-2 times per day. Every stretch should be held to the feeling of tightness or discomfort and held for 30-60s with 2-4 reps. Exercise helps reduce fatigue, manage the symptoms of MS, and boost participation in activities of daily living.

Start Date

15-4-2022 12:00 PM

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Apr 15th, 12:00 PM

Exercise Prescription for Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuromuscular disease that causes the immune system to attack the protective covering surrounding nerve fibers. This causes MS patients to need a special exercise program to suit their needs as they need accommodations for muscle weakness, abnormal mechanics, balance problems, etc. People with MS often view exercise as something that makes their symptoms worse; however, exercise is something that can greatly increase their quality of life and function. Individualized exercise testing is necessary for prescribing exercise for people with MS but there are general guidelines to follow. It is recommended to have 2-3 days per week of aerobic training, with each session being 10-30 min long at moderate intensity (12-15 Rating of Perceived Exertion). Resistance training is recommended to be done 2-3 days per week. This is 1-3 sets of 8-15 repetitions at 60-80% of 1 Repetition Max. Flexibility is recommended for 5-7 days per week and 1-2 times per day. Every stretch should be held to the feeling of tightness or discomfort and held for 30-60s with 2-4 reps. Exercise helps reduce fatigue, manage the symptoms of MS, and boost participation in activities of daily living.