Drug Related Deaths: The Impact of the Economy

Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Lauren Mosier

Session Title

Poster Session 2


College of Business Administration


Accounting, Finance & Economics


In 2019 alone, the CDC reported over 70,000 drug overdose related deaths in the United States. While mental health can play a large part in the likelihood of an individual to suffer from an overdose, there are also different economic factors at play that can have an impact. This paper will analyze the relationship between drug related deaths with significant economic variables, such as state level unemployment rates, state level GDP, and state level educational attainment in effort to understand more about the correlation between economic elements and drug related deaths.

Start Date

15-4-2022 12:00 PM

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Apr 15th, 12:00 PM

Drug Related Deaths: The Impact of the Economy

In 2019 alone, the CDC reported over 70,000 drug overdose related deaths in the United States. While mental health can play a large part in the likelihood of an individual to suffer from an overdose, there are also different economic factors at play that can have an impact. This paper will analyze the relationship between drug related deaths with significant economic variables, such as state level unemployment rates, state level GDP, and state level educational attainment in effort to understand more about the correlation between economic elements and drug related deaths.