Evaluation of Nutritional Status and Needs of Collegiate Women’s Lacrosse Athletes: A Review of Literature

Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Bianca TedescoFollow

Faculty Mentor

Ashley Licata, Ph.D.; licataa@winthrop.edu


College of Arts and Sciences


Human Nutrition

Faculty Mentor

Ashley Licata, Ph.D.


The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the lack of nutrition knowledge and education opportunities for collegiate women’s lacrosse athletes. An adequate intake of energy or calories, protein, and carbohydrates, helps contribute to an athlete’s success on and off the field. The studies in this review of literature analyzed nutrient status, energy intake, and perceptions of energy and macronutrient intake of various collegiate level female lacrosse athletes throughout the season or different training phases. The methods used in these studies to collect data include recording dietary intake, measuring physical activity levels using an activity monitor worn by the athletes, and testing body composition. All of these methods showed that collegiate women’s lacrosse players eat significantly less than recommended values for both macronutrients and caloric needs as a whole. These athletes do not reach optimal nutrient status to achieve peak athletic performance. This review is significant because it highlights a need for better nutrition education and resources for women’s lacrosse players as well as the coaches, athletic trainers, and other athletic department staff they will interact with and learn from throughout their college experience.

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Course Assignment

NUTR 502 - Licata

Type of Presentation

Poster presentation

Start Date

16-4-2021 12:30 PM

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Apr 16th, 12:30 PM

Evaluation of Nutritional Status and Needs of Collegiate Women’s Lacrosse Athletes: A Review of Literature

The purpose of this literature review is to highlight the lack of nutrition knowledge and education opportunities for collegiate women’s lacrosse athletes. An adequate intake of energy or calories, protein, and carbohydrates, helps contribute to an athlete’s success on and off the field. The studies in this review of literature analyzed nutrient status, energy intake, and perceptions of energy and macronutrient intake of various collegiate level female lacrosse athletes throughout the season or different training phases. The methods used in these studies to collect data include recording dietary intake, measuring physical activity levels using an activity monitor worn by the athletes, and testing body composition. All of these methods showed that collegiate women’s lacrosse players eat significantly less than recommended values for both macronutrients and caloric needs as a whole. These athletes do not reach optimal nutrient status to achieve peak athletic performance. This review is significant because it highlights a need for better nutrition education and resources for women’s lacrosse players as well as the coaches, athletic trainers, and other athletic department staff they will interact with and learn from throughout their college experience.