The Millennials Speak: Factors That Drive Them to Vote

Poster Number



College of Arts and Sciences


Mass Communication

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Padmini Patwardhan


This research study examines factors that drives the millennial generation to vote and the role of media in the process. Using a cross sectional survey of young potential voters, solicited through convenience sampling, it seeks to provide insights on what makes the millennial generation politically active or inactive. It explores whether intent to vote in this year's election correlates with political and mass media exposure and previous voting behavior. In addition, it also investigates why some millennials do not vote and the influence of factors such as demographics, voter apathy or feelings towards political leaders. Using statistical data from the survey (collected through nominal and interval level measurement for key variables), the study expects to contribute to understanding of peer pressure, popularity of the candidate's, awareness of politics, and mass media influences among millennials. In future research, studies on voting trends in specific groups within millennials (e.g. minorities or women) can be conducted to provide useful information to build political communication campaigns.

Course Assignment

Mass Communication Research and Theory, MCOM 301, Padmini Patwardhan

Start Date

22-4-2016 2:15 PM

End Date

22-4-2016 4:13 PM

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Apr 22nd, 2:15 PM Apr 22nd, 4:13 PM

The Millennials Speak: Factors That Drive Them to Vote

Richardson Ballroom

This research study examines factors that drives the millennial generation to vote and the role of media in the process. Using a cross sectional survey of young potential voters, solicited through convenience sampling, it seeks to provide insights on what makes the millennial generation politically active or inactive. It explores whether intent to vote in this year's election correlates with political and mass media exposure and previous voting behavior. In addition, it also investigates why some millennials do not vote and the influence of factors such as demographics, voter apathy or feelings towards political leaders. Using statistical data from the survey (collected through nominal and interval level measurement for key variables), the study expects to contribute to understanding of peer pressure, popularity of the candidate's, awareness of politics, and mass media influences among millennials. In future research, studies on voting trends in specific groups within millennials (e.g. minorities or women) can be conducted to provide useful information to build political communication campaigns.