Effects of Consumer Socialization through Instagram on Purchasing Intentions and Brand Perceptions: A Systematic Literature Review


College of Arts and Sciences


Mass Communication

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Sabrina Habib Williams


Consumer socialization is described as the “collective processes by which young people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to their functioning as consumers in the marketplace” (Ward, 1974). These processes can be facilitated by peers, media, and company marketing efforts. Peer consumer socialization, though, has been shown to be the most influential of these due to the perceived trust that exists between consumers even when there is no existing relationship. This process of peer learning often takes place through observation of shopping and purchasing behaviors and through word-of-mouth. With the digital shift, word-of-mouth consumer socialization has shifted to online formats, particularly in the way of social media. This is often referred to as electronic word-of-mouth or eWOM. Through the analysis of previous studies, this thesis aims to understand the impact of consumer socialization via eWOM within social media platforms on consumers’ purchasing intentions and brand perceptions. Specifically, this study looks at how Instagram, which has grown to over 400 million users since its launch in October 2005, plays a role in consumer socialization. In addition, current gaps in knowledge are identified and future research recommendations are made.

Honors Thesis Committee

Sabrina Habib Williams, Ph.D.; Hemant Patwardhan, Ph.D.; Padmini Patwardhan, Ph.D.

Start Date

22-4-2016 2:00 PM

End Date

22-4-2016 2:15 PM

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Apr 22nd, 2:00 PM Apr 22nd, 2:15 PM

Effects of Consumer Socialization through Instagram on Purchasing Intentions and Brand Perceptions: A Systematic Literature Review

West Center, Room 219

Consumer socialization is described as the “collective processes by which young people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes relevant to their functioning as consumers in the marketplace” (Ward, 1974). These processes can be facilitated by peers, media, and company marketing efforts. Peer consumer socialization, though, has been shown to be the most influential of these due to the perceived trust that exists between consumers even when there is no existing relationship. This process of peer learning often takes place through observation of shopping and purchasing behaviors and through word-of-mouth. With the digital shift, word-of-mouth consumer socialization has shifted to online formats, particularly in the way of social media. This is often referred to as electronic word-of-mouth or eWOM. Through the analysis of previous studies, this thesis aims to understand the impact of consumer socialization via eWOM within social media platforms on consumers’ purchasing intentions and brand perceptions. Specifically, this study looks at how Instagram, which has grown to over 400 million users since its launch in October 2005, plays a role in consumer socialization. In addition, current gaps in knowledge are identified and future research recommendations are made.