Health Habits and Physical Activity of Student Truck Drivers

Poster Number


Submitting Student(s)

Shalace Rose, Winthrop University


College of Education


Physical Education, Sport & Human Performance

Faculty Mentor

Janet Wojcik, Ph.D.


This study examined health habits and physical activity levels of student truck drivers to determine if they are already at risk of developing health conditions that are shown in the truck driving industry. Student truck drivers from a technical college (N=52) participated in this study. They completed a modified version of a truck driver survey from the Transport Engineering Research Limited in New Zealand (2008). Questions regarding the students’ health habits, physical activity (PA), and wellness in the workplace were included in the anonymous questionnaire. The mean age was 35 ± 11.03 years. Mean body mass index was 29.4 ± 6.38 with 44 % feeling they are overweight. Current smokers are 38 %. Over 72 % reported at least moderate PA greater than 3 times per week, with 37 % work-related PA. Sleep was reported to be 7 hours or greater by 71 %. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes were reported for breakfast by 31 %; 29 % consume cereal, while 31 % do not eat breakfast. Concern about health habits changing was expressed by 41 %, while 37 % were unsure. Student truck drivers are in need of improving health behaviors. They are concerned how their health habits would change and prefer to work for a company that provides wellness programs and incentives for health. These preliminary data could possibly lead to implementing wellness education into truck driving training courses.

Start Date

24-4-2015 1:20 PM

End Date

24-4-2015 2:50 PM

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Apr 24th, 1:20 PM Apr 24th, 2:50 PM

Health Habits and Physical Activity of Student Truck Drivers

Richardson Ballroom

This study examined health habits and physical activity levels of student truck drivers to determine if they are already at risk of developing health conditions that are shown in the truck driving industry. Student truck drivers from a technical college (N=52) participated in this study. They completed a modified version of a truck driver survey from the Transport Engineering Research Limited in New Zealand (2008). Questions regarding the students’ health habits, physical activity (PA), and wellness in the workplace were included in the anonymous questionnaire. The mean age was 35 ± 11.03 years. Mean body mass index was 29.4 ± 6.38 with 44 % feeling they are overweight. Current smokers are 38 %. Over 72 % reported at least moderate PA greater than 3 times per week, with 37 % work-related PA. Sleep was reported to be 7 hours or greater by 71 %. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes were reported for breakfast by 31 %; 29 % consume cereal, while 31 % do not eat breakfast. Concern about health habits changing was expressed by 41 %, while 37 % were unsure. Student truck drivers are in need of improving health behaviors. They are concerned how their health habits would change and prefer to work for a company that provides wellness programs and incentives for health. These preliminary data could possibly lead to implementing wellness education into truck driving training courses.