Integrating Principles for Choreographic Evaluation into Education: One Proposed Model for Dropout Prevention


College of Visual and Performing Arts


Theatre & Dance

Faculty Mentor

Stephanie Milling, Ph.D.


This research proposes a model that represents the synthesis of various choreographic evaluation principles and education reform curricula that can simultaneously be used to advocate for the inclusion of arts education within the school system. Education reformers may find this useful in attempting to reach students at risk of dropping out of school. Considering key concepts within education reform and arts education, this model attempts to meet educational reform goals through: enhancing student motivation, fulfilling the needs of students at risk, and meeting the curricular goals geared toward student success through applying the principles of choreographic evaluation processes in dance education.

Start Date

24-4-2015 4:00 PM

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Apr 24th, 4:00 PM

Integrating Principles for Choreographic Evaluation into Education: One Proposed Model for Dropout Prevention

Barnes Recital Hall, Conservatory of Music

This research proposes a model that represents the synthesis of various choreographic evaluation principles and education reform curricula that can simultaneously be used to advocate for the inclusion of arts education within the school system. Education reformers may find this useful in attempting to reach students at risk of dropping out of school. Considering key concepts within education reform and arts education, this model attempts to meet educational reform goals through: enhancing student motivation, fulfilling the needs of students at risk, and meeting the curricular goals geared toward student success through applying the principles of choreographic evaluation processes in dance education.