The MisEducation of The Mistress: Black Women in the Media


Room 220, DiGiorgio Campus Center (DiGs)


Media, women, black women, stereotypes, misrepresentation

Start Date

March 2016

End Date

March 2016


The degradation of marriage can be seen and heard throughout pop culture. From songs, to hit TV shows, movies, and other forms of media- the state of the black family is presented as a family unit in danger. Societal presentations and subsequent perceptions of what families really look like often exclude or completely exploit both brown and black families. In the era of the "Glorified Mistress" it is hard to find women of color who are not being objectified or presented as asexual beings. Combining the shows Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and The Have and The Havenots with scholarly articles regarding the history of the black family and society's attempts to diminsh the power of said family we will unpack the following question "Is Black Love and Family Forbidden?"

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Mar 31st, 2:00 PM Mar 31st, 3:15 PM

The MisEducation of The Mistress: Black Women in the Media

Room 220, DiGiorgio Campus Center (DiGs)

The degradation of marriage can be seen and heard throughout pop culture. From songs, to hit TV shows, movies, and other forms of media- the state of the black family is presented as a family unit in danger. Societal presentations and subsequent perceptions of what families really look like often exclude or completely exploit both brown and black families. In the era of the "Glorified Mistress" it is hard to find women of color who are not being objectified or presented as asexual beings. Combining the shows Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and The Have and The Havenots with scholarly articles regarding the history of the black family and society's attempts to diminsh the power of said family we will unpack the following question "Is Black Love and Family Forbidden?"