Date of Award


Document Type



College of Arts and Sciences

Degree Program


Degree Name

Master of Arts

Thesis Advisor

Dr. Edward Lee

Committee Member

Dr. Jason Silverman

Committee Member

Dr. Donald Rakestraw


Textiles, Rock Hill (S.C.), Mills, University Center, Knowledge Park, Oral history


The Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company has been a staple in the development of the city of Rock Hill, South Carolina. The textile factory has not been extensively written on apart from newspaper articles and therefore the purpose of this thesis is to identify just how impactful the factory was on the development and people of Rock Hill. From 1929 to 1998 the plant was in full operation and employed countless citizens of the city. The Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company has been neglected despite its lasting history in the city. The concepts of labor relations regarding race, paternalism, community involvement, and other aspects helped to shape the development of not only the city but also the company.
