Date of Award


Document Type



College of Visual and Performing Arts

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Thesis Advisor

Morenga Hunt

Committee Member

Meg Schriffen

Committee Member

Andrew Vorder Bruegge


SCDA, dance, governing documents

Committee Member

David Wohl


The following study applies best practices to the process of updating non-profit governing documents to align them with 21st century organizational governance trends, and to reflect advancements in communication technology. Advances in governing practices can contribute significantly to non-profit sustainability in the 21st century by allowing and enabling organizations to improve their governance practices and their communications.

Continual advancements and evolution of organizational governance trends and technology require non-profit organizations to update or create governing documents that provide appropriate guidelines to support and guide their operations in a manner that reflects these advancements. The research will explore and identify current issues, models, and rationales for updated governing documents, and what current organizations are doing to update their governing documents for 21st Century sustainability. This research will provide relevant information for the South Carolina Dance Association to rewrite its current governing documents. The final outcome of this project-based thesis will be the updated written documents that reflect the information obtained from the research, and the needs of SCDA. The updated documents will provide the South Carolina Dance Association (SCDA) with a framework to help operate more effectively and better serve their constituents. The results of SCDA’s update may also serve as a model for other non-profit organizations.

Included in

Dance Commons
