Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Document Type



Richard W.Riley College of Education

Degree Program

Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance

Degree Name

Master of Science

Thesis Advisor

Dr. Joni Boyd

Committee Member

Dr. Jason Chung

Committee Member

Dr. David Schary


Learning Styles, Coaching, Athletes, Strength and Conditioning, Visual, Auditory


Objectives: To examine learning styles and training perceptions in NCAA Division I student-athletes and determine if perceptions of training differ among learning styles.

Participants: The participants of this study consisted of 99 student-athletes from a NCAA Division I university in the southeastern United States during the 2019-2020 school year.

Methods: Data was collected using the online survey system Qualtrics. Learning styles were surveyed using the VARK Questionnaire- Student-athletes Version and training perceptions were collected utilizing the Training Information Survey.

Results: The majority of student-athletes studied identified as predominantly visual learners (n = 42). Overall, perceptions of training were positive (M =86.09). There was no significant difference of training perceptions across the learning styles.

Conclusion: Though perceptions of training were not altered by learning style, the learning styles among student-athletes did vary. Coaches can use this information to better develop their instructional methods in a way that can reach all four learning styles
