Little Red Herrings:Fitbit, Libbit, Throwafit
Document Type
Publication Date
Winter 12-7-2015
Ida Jane Dacus Library
Now I know you must be wondering where all this is going, but that’s when it struck me that we need to devise something like this for libraries, something like a Libbit. Just think of it. It could measure everything from dwindling budgets, to shrinking space, to vanishing staffs, to overworked staff to, well, just about everything you can think of that’s causing libraries to slowly vanish like so much frost on a warming windshield.
Libraries, Value of Libraries, Library Budgets, Shrinking Funds
Digital Commons Citation
Herring, Mark Y., "Little Red Herrings:Fitbit, Libbit, Throwafit" (2015). Winthrop Faculty and Staff Publications. 26.