Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of motion-based video gaming in physical education.
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Richard W.Riley College of Education
Physical Education, Sport, and Human Performance
A mixed-methods research design, utilizing qualitative open response questions and a quantitative Likert scale questionnaire and survey, was used to explore physical education pre-service teachers' perceptions of motion-based video gaming (MBVG). It was perceived that: (a) MBVGs are fun and enjoyable and would increase student motivation, (b) MBVGs are a way to increase student physical activity, and (c) MBVGs do not always mirror the same fundamental concepts or motor movements of the actual sport. In addition, the amount of time spent playing video games increases the perception of the usefulness of MBVGs in physical education.
motion-based video gaming, exergaming, video games, active video gaming.
Digital Commons Citation
Jenny, S., Hushman, G., & Hushman, C. (2013). Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of motion-based video gaming in physical education. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 96-111. Retrieved from